Saturday 22 June 2013

Ombre Nails

Hi guys, today I am going to be doing a nails tutorial and review as I have not done this in absolutely ages. I am not exactly the type of person who loves to do my nails as it always seems to go wrong and I regret doing them afterwards, however recently I am loving the ombre trend that people use on their hair and nails. My hair right now is quite short so I am not going to be dying it, however I thought I could give the ombre nails affect a go.

If you haven't heard of the ombre style before, basically it is using a few colours and gradually blending them together to create a pretty and high fashion look.
I wanted mine to look more elegant using pastel colours. You can either use two or three shades of the same colour and blend them together or two different colours. I decided to just use blue and pink because they look really good together and slightly blend in the middle to make purple.

The polishes I used were from models own scratch and sniff collection. They are not very expensive and are really nice colours and scents. I bought the blue and pink ones in scents of strawberry tart and blueberry muffin. By the way, when you first open the bottle you won't be able to smell the flavour, however I found that when it dries it smells really sweet and lovely.
So first what you have to do is apply a base colour. You can use plain white for this as it results in a pop of colour when you have finished. However I wanted mine to be slightly more natural and less eye-catching. If you want to do this then use the first colour of your ombre and paint the entire nail. I found that the models own colours looked fine after one layer but I would recommend applying two layers just to be certain.
Once you have applyed the base coat of polish and it is dry you can start with the ombreying. You will need a make-up sponge. Just cut the sponge into the size of your nail and paint your nail polishes  onto it in the order you want your ombre to be in. Paint them so they over lap slightly a this will blend the colours together better. Also use quite a thick amount but not so it is too runny.
Now you will want to press the sponge onto your nail a few times so that the colour is transported. You may want to rub the sponge in one direction once or twice until you are happy with the ombre. Repeat this onto every nail. I would definitely recommend a top coat as it locks in the colour and makes the finished result look much better. And voila!
Thank you for reading. I hope this tutorial was helpful. I would definitely recommend giving this a go as I find this quite easy to do and yet it looks quite professional and very pretty. If you have any questions don't forget to comment, I like to see what you have to say. Thanks again, Charlotte xx